Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fifteen (At Last) ...

I regretfully realized just how long it has been since I had written I blog this morning.

Too long.

Four updates: I spent my summer in America. (Lots to say about this, won't write now)
I am now seventeen, as opposed to sixteen.
I am now in my final year in secondary school.
I met JLS (my favorite band on the face of the planet) before their concert last February. And now I don't think they're as great. Still going to their concert next year though...

So I'm sitting here at the kitchen table (Honey Loops in one hand,spoon in the other) feeling very uninspired and contemplative.
What are you contemplating, Rachel? You might ask.
My future, (dear Watson...) would be the reply.

Yes, the main focus of all my thoughts and energy recently has be been on my Dar Ned future.
There are so many choices. I have been slowly but surely whittling them down by process of elimination, based on my aptitudes, hobbies, likes and dislikes.
But it's still so hard. What is the job you would like to do for the rest of your life? It better be good...

All this talk of futures begs the question : What do I want out of life?
I have a strange feeling that the answer to this broad question is hidden somewhere under the mass of debris under my bed. Or somewhere no one would expect...Perhaps inside a pumpkin.

I shall now go (mining hat and pumpkin scooper-outer equipped) search...rustle the feathers of my past, to get to my future. Per say.
Maybe you could (metaphorically) join me.

Oh, and Happy Halloween.


Saturday, February 20, 2010


Wow. It just shows how much time has passed since my last blog when I go to create a new post and end up making an entirely new blog page. Sorry it's been so long, by the way, but you will be glad to know that I have been walking down the path of righteousness and self-discovery over the past few months. Happy New Year.

I miss the good old days. You know, when the best moment of your life was be allowed to go to the shop and buy yourself an ice-cream on a hot summer's day. Okay, well maybe some things are still the same. But don't you miss how, when you were younger, no one expected you to do anything? More so to be able to do anything I suppose, but you get what I mean, don't you? Now that you have passed the stage of your life when everyone inexplicably patronized you and treated you as a...rightly or not...child, you don't get as much attention. Especially since you hit puberty and lost your 'cuteness'.

Suddenly you're off to school and no one really gives a crap anymore. So you have now landed in a completely new atmosphere, where the 'cool' guy is the one that shouts something extremely mature like 'BOOBS'(followed by the sniggering of his minions) during a quiet study class, and the 'hot' girl(i.e.the only girl that the boys see) is the girl who tortures her many side kicks by making them fight for her attention, and since all women are supposedly multi-taskers, she hitches up her skirt, fluffs her long golden locks and writes little sticky notes on her journal in strawberry scented pen.Usually to herself.

Excuse me while I call 'Huey' down the porcelain telephone.

(Haha. I just implied that I got sick.)

So what does one helpless soul do in this muscle and boob orientated world? I know what the natural response would be to try to blend in or be popular. Let me tell you, that is just about the worst thing you could do. But the funny thing is, is that you only get to realize that unfortunate fact when you are older, for with time comes wisdom, my son. You'll realize that you don't need to blend in with the crowd, or eve have a crowd, because in the end(i.e. when you leave school) it all comes down to you. Just you.

I can't understand why some people don't try and fulfill their dreams. I know it sounds stupid, but everyone has or had a dream at some stage in their lives, and it is only too obvious that not everyone has fulfilled them, because if they had then our world would be a whole lot more exciting. Most people just 'settle' for things.

Then again, sometimes you can only do the best that your circumstances allow.
What I just realized, is that everyone has a slightly if not very different view of things. I knew this fact before, but it never sunk in until now. That what you are reading and what I am writing could mean entirely different things. Words can be powerful. Words can be persuasive. Words can be threatening. They can mean anything that you have the intelligence to create a meaning for in your mind. A piece of writing can change a person's life forever. A piece of writing could give meaning to the most lowly of souls, especially if it was written by someone of significance in their lives.

Unfortunately(or fortunately)for you, this is not that piece.

And so this brings a quiet end to a quiet day.
Well it wasn't actually that quiet I guess.


I'm deep.

